40 Days of Prayer & Fasting

March 5 - April 19

As we kick off the Lent season (starting with Ash Wednesday and finishing right before Easter Sunday), we are going on a 40 day journey of prayer and fasting as a church. Fasting is a way to place ourselves in the way of grace by withdrawing our reliance on earthly things so that we can feast on God’s presence and power. It is intentionally withholding something we’d normally partake in (normally food) for the purpose of creating space in our lives to feast on the presence of Jesus “directly.” We invite you to take this step with us and expect God to make moves in your soul, in our church and community. Here is how this works:

  • Start your daily prayer rhythm on Wednesday, March 5th (Ash Wednesday). As a church we are using these prompts:
    • God, you’re good because…
    • I am thankful for…
    • Today, this is heavy, help me to hand it over to you…
    • I am asking for…
    • Jesus, what do I need to hear from you today?

  • Pick a full day each week to fast, or you can choose one meal, it is up to you. This means replacing a meal with your time of prayer. If you would categorize yourself as a person of vulnerability such as pregnant mothers or children and skipping meals could be a harm to you physically, please do not partake (or at least consult your health care professional). Instead of fasting full meals, maybe consider abstaining from things like social media, video games, sugary treats, etc.

NOTE: At the end of each week, we break from the fast on Sunday for Sunday morning worship, we invite you to join us!