Into People More Like Jesus


Regular Rhythms of Spiritual Formation


Read Scripture is an app created by The Bible Project designed to help you spend time alone with God’s Word, learn to understand and love it, and stay motivated by tracking your progress. Check out their additional resource Bible Dojo that features seminary-level content from Bible professors and scholars, BibleDojo helps you become biblically literate and fluent by training up reading skills across the different genres found in the Bible.

Click here for more info.

Click here for more info on Bible Dojo.


Want to follow Jesus and changed in the process? This happens through discipleship, which is training or apprenticeship in the way of Jesus. We do this through our 1-1 Discipleship Pathway, which is designed to invite you into a regular rhythm of spiritual practices, at your own pace, with one other person (either a peer or a mentor).

Click here for more info.

* This platform was created and developed by Pastors Phil Wiseman and Megan Koch of Table Church in Des Moines, IA.


Short-term Enrichment Opportunities

Courses are seasonal and occasional enrichment opportunities to help individuals grow in and through specific areas of life. Several courses will complement ongoing Practices and Sermon series. Stay tuned for Courses being offered in the future.


A Conversation About Life and Faith For Skeptics and the Unchurched